Expanding Wisdom and Compassion
Through Study and Contemplation

UMA Library of Recorded Voice

For over fifty years, Jeffrey Hopkins worked in close concert with numerous abbots and scholar from within the Tibetan tradition. Recorded with a small audio tape recorder, these recordings have been digitized and are being made publically available through the generous funding provided by the UMA Institute's donors.


This library includes recorded voice from the Dalai Lama's Early Tours, and bibliographic materials related with education in the compassion and wisdom project, as well as topic-specific teachings by Dan-ma-lo-cho, Ge-dun-lo-dro, Jam-pal-shen-pen, Khe-tsun-sang-po, and others.


Access this library at the UMA Library Website.

Tibetan Language Resources

Tibetan language study resources compiled by UMA translators over the years.


Access this library at the Tibetan Language Project website.